"Не жди, что станет легче, проще, лучше... Не станет. Трудности будут всегда. Учись быть счастливым прямо сейчас. Иначе не успеешь."
ALLA SOKOLOVA, French republic, Antibes
In the center of the winter [TOP100]
Snowstorm in Balkan mountains, Bulgaria
Иван Миладинов, Bulgaria, Sofia
In Memory [TOP100]
the hymeneals photo is actually of the one-time woman symbolized with those hands, and the photo at the top of her left mitt was her hubby who is no more, and she is very much known to me besides
SOURAV DAS, India, kolaghat
Деревенская картинка [TOP100]
Раннее утро в алтайской деревушке Ново - Троицк, расположенное в долине между гор. Село очень старое, поэтому в нем сохранились некоторые постройки начала прошлого века. Протекающая рядом река Пыжа и небольшой приток заволакивают туманом всю деревню. Коровы осторожны, но любопытны. В тумане слышно, как они делают перекличку, собираясь со всей деревни в одно стадо, а затем уходят на таежные пастбища.
Lyubov Furs, Russian federation, Кемерово
happi [TOP100]
Где солнце отражается в воде И лазурь небес, Мы будем так наивны и милы- Чудо из чудес. Нам с тобой песню споет ветер... Крым. Алушта. август 2016
Ксения, Russia, Павловский Посад
The photo was taken in a newly planted rice field which incorporate brown water and cropped small grass. The colour of the water has varied saturation and give better dimension. I utilize iii children equally model and asked to jump freely with happy expression. I shot from the middle of rice field, avoid unnecessary move to go along the water menstruum without wave. The wave of water tin distort the shape of three children reflection. These children stand eighty cm higher than me, my camera was faced to depression angle and earlier they bound, I throw pocket-sized stone to create subtle wave. Low speed was chosen to capture this with neutral motion-picture show style. In post processing, I rotate 180 and add my other photo of the moon to create better composition.
jay satriani, Indonesia, Bandung
Melody lines od separation.
Milad Safabakhsh, Islamic republic of iran, Kerman
Lot of boats in Sunamganj, People's republic of bangladesh are carrying stone from river called Jadukata Nodi. Stones are come from mount in to the river. Lot of worker everyday collect stone from river, then conduct with boat for sell. Lot of people lives their life on depend this work.
Azim Khan Ronnie, Bangladesh, Dhaka
Призрачный воин
Ночь, дерево, фонарь, поле и туман.
Roman Lyubimski, Russia, Феодосия
bask life
Khamtaklacity sakonnakhon Thailand
atipan khantalee, Thailand, Bangkok
Life in a brick field
The cities of Bangladesh one of the world'southward near densely populated countries is growing fast and there's a never ending need for cheap construction materials. In a country marred by underinvestment bricks are the nigh efficient and widely used. People's republic of bangladesh is growing fast each solar day new brick buildings are erected across the land, which is already home to 153million people. However, the millions of workers who make the bricks face harsh and uncertain conditions. Brick-making provides a improve income than agriculture or other jobs available in rural Bangladesh only information technology is dangerous and ofttimes devastating to workers' health. Accidents are common and workers accept no protective gear, save for what they are able to cobble together themselves.
Rokon Khan, Bangladesh, Dhaka
A immature mother makes a winter walk near her place of residence with her child in the baby car without knowing that she is photographed. Because this chapel is one of my favorite motifs and I was at this time besides on site, to make this beautiful sky some photos of the chapel.
Arnold Umlauf, Germany, Ingolstadt
morn in Bromo
the dailly activity we can show in bromo valey, pict taken during the Kasodo ceremony near from the temple.
I ketut gede kochiana, Indonesia, denpasar
Long An rice flour profession has grown in size. With over 2000 employees and product of over 30,000 tonnes of rice flour / twelvemonth, Long An powder village where the supply is mainly for consumption of Ho Chi Minh City and throughout the East, the South Westward, every bit well as export out all the Southeast Asian countries.
Moscow, 05.08.2016
Zalman Shklyar, Russia, Москва
На другой стороне
В кадре - уникальный "Дом-кольцо" на Фонтанке (Архитектор И. А. Шарлемань, 1822 г.), одно из старейших жилых зданий в Петербурге. Помимо оригинальной геометрии известен тем, что с 1827 по 1833 годы в этом доме жили родители А. С. Пушкина.
Ivan Turukhano, Russia, Санкт-Петербург
Born Free
When I was travelling to Marina embankment in Chennai (India), I found the structure very interesting. This is MGR memorial, a memorial structure.
Parthasarathi Roy, India, Kolkata
Route of life
Szucs Timea, Russian federation
Геометрия гор
Серия "Реальная геометрия". Сочи
Evgeny Andreev, Russia, Москва
Cooper & Cooperage
Old Cooperage in Esmoriz, Portugal
Jose Fangueiro, Switzerland, Sion
По бесконечности путей, В мерцании орбит, Табун сияющих коней Над вечностью летит. Под звезд хрустальный перезвон, Сквозь время мчат они. В наш мир, который покорен Навеки лошадьми….. (с)
Elena Kutepova, Russia, Санкт-Петербург
Chinmoy Biswas, India, Kolkata
Walk Alone
Man alone go to the role after the pelting
Nguyễn Tấn Tuấn, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh
Старый дом
На окне старого заброшенного дома, которое построено на 9-м этаже обычной девятиэтажки
Eleonora Grigorjeva, Latvia, Рига
Breaking Space Between The states.
This photo was taken in a small village of Assam name as Bherakuchi,Republic of india. It shows a pocket-size innocent boy feeding a bird. Information technology explain actual meaning of man life. A true eye limits no love, no matter its human being beingness or animals.
Krishna Chauhan, India, Guwahati
Мой личный скейтпарк
Горный Алтай, Курайская степь.
Roman Shalenkin, Russian federation, Новосибирск
Утро в Хасаутском ущелье
Хасаутское ущелье. Утро в Хасаутском ущелье. Малый Карачай. Фотография сделана с плато Бермамыт
Smolnikov Andrey, Russia, Ставрополь
Surfeando en arena
Chico surfista caminando en la arena
Andrésy César Sanchez, Spain, Las Palmas
Free to migration to new lands, no ban no wall
There used exist an artificial island in Caspian Ocean, and now the merely matter left is couple of piers which host birds in their migration from Siberia to Persian Gulf in winter.
Farhad Ahmadi, Russia
Geometry street
Heydar Aliyev Center / Zaha Hadid Architects
Allahkerim Abbasov, Azerbaijan, Баку
The school girl
I met this little daughter in a school inside of a village in Sikkim. She is a lepcha girl. In this film I wanted to depict the stillness and the calmness of that little daughter.
Nilargha Chatterjee, Russia
Мужчина с букетом
Антон, Russia
Алея в прошлое...
Аллея трехсот летних дубов в Луизиане, США Проходя по этой аллее испытываешь такое чувство, словно с каждым шагом ты двигаешься в глубь веков... Очень повезло что был сильный дождь, это и помогло сделать снимок графичным, и именно черно белый вариант выглядит выигрышно, в сравнении с цветным...
Roman Mordashev, Russia, Москва
Let it snow, let information technology snowfall, let it snow.
Taken in Saint Petersburg, Russian federation, in the eye of a blizaard. Part of my 'Winter is coming' series of sreet photorgaphs. - Chris Retro
Chris Retro, Deutschland, Berlin
CHINMOY BISWAS, India, Kolkata
дедушкин чердак
фото сделано на чердаке родителей, живущих в деревенском доме в посёлке Окский Нижегородской области. Свет из окна.
Igor Ushakov, Russian federation, Нижний Новгород
в монастырь, с утречка за свечками..
Larisa Petrova, Russia, Москва
Тень - это продолжение нас
Тень - это продолжение нас. У каждой личности есть своя тень, кто-то ее боится, кто-то стыдится, а кто-то и вовсе ушел в собственную тень.
Daniyar Mustapanov, Kazakhstan, Astana
moment of reflection
black and white mobile photography
Hariom verma, Russia
По мелководью.
На летней прогулке с английским сеттером. Жарким днем прогулка по мелководью в тени небольшой реки - удовольствие для собаки и хозяина.
Alexander Chibirkin, Russia, г. Саров
Туманное утро. Август 2016 г.. Тамбовская область
Alexey Melnikov, Russia, Москва
Day Comes
On a snowy twenty-four hour period Iii people on the hillside with tube tires to skate in the snow Sabalan mount range
REZA ISAPOUR, Iran, ardabil
Летний день в деревне
Июль. Теплые лучи дневного света таинственно освещают веранду.
Traulko Proverb, Russia, Новосибирск
Графика тумана.
Утренний туман, почти полностью скрывавший противоположный берег реки,после восхода солнца начал потихоньку рассеиваться.Показалось деревце и кусты,выглянувшие из белой пелены.Подсвеченные лучами солнца они смотрелись очень эффектно.
Yuri Sorokin, Russia, Липецк
Stairs of a ghost boondocks
antonio aiello, Russia
Фонарный инь янь
Sitokhova Yuliya (Yael), Russia, Москва
Войдя в этот вагон, в музее локомотивов 1900гг, выскочила испугавшись фигуры. Вернулась снова, поборов страх от неожиданности. На фотографии сторож, в салоне электирички, которого там не должно быть.
Natalya Ozgurkan, Turkey, Marmaris
Lonely Planet
The blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra), also known every bit the Indian antelope, is an antelope constitute in Bharat and Nepal. The blackbuck is the sole extant member of the genus Antilope. The species was described and given its binomial name by Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus in 1758.
Abhishek Chatterjee, India, Vadodara
Passenger train
This young dog traveling on a train with his master. Two youths attracted his attention. I prepared the photographic camera and managed to brand an interesting picture. Това младо куче пътуваше във влака със стопанина си. Двама младежи му привлякоха вниманието. Бях подготвена с фотоапарата и успях да направя интересна снимка.
Stanka Petrova, Bulgaria, Plovdiv
The working old man
Taken with Canon 60D from W bengal , India
Partha protim Chakraborty, India, Maynaguri
Записки на снегу
Горнолыжный курорт «Большой Вудъявр». Мурманская обл.
Andrey Molodoy, Russia, Санкт-Петербург
Bathing the Cockerel
A farmer in the Balinese countryside bathing his pet cockerel by spit spraying water on him.
Robin Yong, Australia, Canberra
Дорога знаний
Кадр был снят в одном из коридоров ОмГУПСа
Pivovarova Katherina, Russia, Омск
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- The rating of photographers by countries and cities is based on the two best photos of the writer and their relative position in each dissever nomination. Rating in the nomination "Mobile Photography" is taken into account to a lesser extent for rating formation. The list shows ane photo of the author with the all-time rating. - The rating for the nominations takes into business relationship one of the best photographs of the author who scored the maximum score. - Only those photos accept been published in the listing that passed the second phase of voting.
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The catalog contains more than 1500 photos from 22 nominations from more than one thousand authors of the 5rd 35AWARDS
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